Tutte le voci di Inglese:
- Caine, sir Thomas Henry Hall
- Camelot
- Campbell, John Ramsey
- Campbell, Thomas
- Campion, Thomas
- Cannan, Gilbert
- Canterbury Tales, The-
- Canzóni e sonétti
- Capitani coraggiósi
- Captain Marryat
- Captains Courageous
- Carew, Thomas
- Carey, Henry
- Carey, William
- Carleton, William
- Carliell, Robert
- Carlyle, Thomas
- Carpenter, Edward
- Carroll, Lewis
- Carter, Angela
- Cartwright, William
- Cary, Henry Francis
- Cary, Joyce
- Cavalier Poets
- Cavalièri, Poèti-
- Cecil, David
- Chalkhill, John
- Chamberlayne, William
- Chambers, Ephraim
- Chambers, sir Edmund Kerchever
- Chambers, sir William
- Chapman, George
- Chapone, Hester
- Chatterton, Thomas
- Chatwin, Bruce
- Chaucer, Geoffrey
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
- Chettle, Henry
- Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
- Christie, Agatha
- Church, Richard
- Church, Richard William
- Churchill, Charles
- Churchyard, Thomas
- Cime tempestóse
- Clanvowe, sir Thomas
- Clare, John
- Clarissa. O la stòria di una fanciulla
- Clark, William George
- Clarke, Arthur Charles
- Clarke, Austin
- Clarke, Charles Cowden
- Cleland, John
- Cleveland, John
- Clough, Arthur Hugh
- Cobbett, William
- Coe, Jonathan
- Coleridge, David Hartley
- Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Coleridge, Sara
- Collier, John Payne
- Collins, John Churton
- Collins, William (poeta)
- Collins, William Wilkie
- Colum, Padraic
- Colvin, sir Sidney
- Combe, William
- Comfort, Alexander
- Compton-Burnett, Ivy
- Conan Doyle, Arthur
- Confessions of an English Opium Eater
- Confessióni di un mangiatóre d'òppio inglése
- Connolly, Cyril
- Conquest, Robert
- Conrad, Joseph
- Cook, Eliza
- Cooper, Douglas
- Coppard, Alfred Edgar
- Corelli, Marie
- Cornford, John
- Corsaro, Il-
- Coryate, Thomas
- Cotton, Charles
- Courthope, William John
- Cowley, Abraham
- Cowper, William
- Crabbe, George
- Crashaw, Richard
- Croker, John Wilson
- Croly, George
- Cronin, Archibald Joseph
- Crònaca anglosàssone
- Cuckoo and the Nightingale, The-
- Cunningham, Allan
- Cunninghame, Graham Robert Bontine
- Cuòre di tènebra
- Cynewulf (poeta)
- Cìrcolo Pickwick, Il-
- Cùculo e l'usignòlo, Il-