Stati uniti
Tutte le voci di Stati uniti:
- Abbey, Edward
- Adair, James
- Adamic, Louis
- Adams, Alice
- Adams, Andy
- Adams, Charles Francis
- Adams, Franklin Pierce
- Adams, Henry
- Adams, Léonie Fuller
- Adams, Samuel Hopkins
- Addìo alle armi
- Ade, George
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The-
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The-
- Agee, James
- Aiken, Conrad Potter
- Akins, Zoë
- Alcott, Amos Bronson
- Alcott, Louisa May
- Alden, Henry Mills
- Aldington Doolittle, Hilda
- Aldrich Streeter, Bess
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
- Aldridge, John Watson
- Algren, Nelson
- Allen, James Lane
- Allen, William Hervey
- Allston, Washington
- Alsop, Joseph Wright jr. e Stewart Johonnot Oliver
- Alsop, Richard
- Ames, Nathaniel
- Anderson, Sherwood
- Antologìa di Spoon River
- Antoninus, Brother-
- Arthur, Timothy Shay
- Ashbery, John
- Asimov, Isaac
- Atherton, Gertrud
- Auchincloss, Louis Stanton
- Auster, Paul
- Austin, Mary Hunter
- Austin, William
- Avventure di Gordon Pym, Le-
- Avventure di Huckleberry Finn, Le-
- Avventure di Tom Sawyer, Le-